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Showing results for: first amendment retaliation

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Rudzik Excavating—First Amendment–retaliation victim—files new complaint against Mahoning County

January 7, 2025


U.S. Labor Secretary finds Chicago illegally retaliated against whistleblower who reported to FAA Midway airport’s runway-conditions falsification

January 22, 2024

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Plaintiff in retaliation case against Judge Leslie Ann Celebrezze opposes Celebrezze's effort to hide subpoena content

December 29, 2023

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Receiver Mark Dottore asks court to hide subpoena filing; Judge Celebrezze's former assistant Semary opposes with evidence

December 14, 2023

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

East Liverpool asks federal court to hide allegations about officer misconduct; whistleblowing officer fights back

May 22, 2023

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former East Liverpool Police Officer Chris Green sues city, officers for First Amendment retaliation

March 6, 2023

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cancer-stricken Mahoning County worker Ricky Morrison files First Amendment–retaliation suit against commissioners, Acting Prosecutor Gina...

December 23, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cancer-afflicted Mahoning County worker Ricky Morrison reinstated after enduring First Amendment retaliation but questions remain

December 13, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cancer-stricken Mahoning County worker fired and loses health insurance for exercising First Amendment rights—demands reinstatement

December 9, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Professors sue Cuyahoga Community College, former president, deans, and administrators for retaliation

November 24, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

VICTORY: Federal judge finds it plausible that Huron officials had no probable cause to arrest community activist Stacy Hinners

June 1, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cleveland to pay nearly $1,000,000 for former Battalion Chief Sean DeCrane’s First Amendment–retaliation claim

May 25, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Independence agrees to pay former police lieutenant nearly $1,000,000 over his First Amendment–retaliation claims

May 11, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Public-hospital officials sought sanctions against jail nursing supervisor’s counsel for First Amendment retaliation lawsuit. It...

April 22, 2022

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Appeals court rejects Mahoning County Prosecuting Attorney Paul Gains’s gambit to learn about a federal criminal investigation of his office

January 26, 2022


Olmsted Township Administrator Rebecca Corrigan to receive $195,000 settlement following her complaints of sexual harassment and retaliation

December 17, 2021

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Federal appeals court to former Cleveland Assistant Safety Director Edward Eckart: stand trial for First Amendment retaliation

September 1, 2021

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

ALERT: Berea Municipal Court to decide whether writing a one-star Facebook review can land you in jail

March 3, 2021

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Federal judge orders Independence police chief, law director, former mayor, and city to stand trial for attack on police lieutenant’s First...

November 12, 2020


Midway Airport whistleblower sues Chicago, former officials for First Amendment retaliation

August 25, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

VICTORY: Ohio Supreme Court rules for Chandra Law client that convictions aren't required for crime victims to seek civil damages from their...

July 29, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Huron defendants tell federal court in First Amendment-retaliation case filed by Stacy and Jason Hinners: we're not interested in alternative dispute...

July 21, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

VICTORY: Court permanently dismisses First Amendment-retaliatory criminal charges against Huron civic-activist Stacy Hinners

July 10, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Civic activist Stacy Hinners asks Huron Municipal Court to permanently dismiss the First Amendment-retaliatory charges against her

July 2, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

City of Huron fires “special” prosecutor Michael Joseph O’Shea, who pursued First Amendment-retaliatory prosecution

June 24, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Huron taxpayers demand City fire “special” prosecutor Michael Joseph O’Shea to stop First Amendment retaliation against activist Stacy Hinners

May 8, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Huron activists Stacy and Jason Hinners sue to permanently stop the City’s retaliatory prosecution

March 25, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former jail nursing director Gary Brack sues County Executive Budish for withholding emails showing Budish knew about dangerous conditions leading to...

January 14, 2020

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Suit alleging beating and retaliation by Cuyahoga County jail officials tentatively settled for $140,000

December 12, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cuyahoga County faces yet another lawsuit over torture at jail

November 27, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Ohio Supreme Court hears challenge to crime victims’ access to civil justice

November 13, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former police lieutenant sues Independence officials for First Amendment retaliation

October 28, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

First Amendment win: retaliatory criminal charges against Huron activist Stacy Hinners dismissed

October 7, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Appeals court rules Ohio’s public-employee whistleblower-protection statute protects employees who report misconduct, regardless of whether they...

October 3, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Payouts to RNC-16 protestors for Cleveland-police free-speech retaliation approach nearly $1,000,000

September 26, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Federal appeals court rejects outside lawyer's immunity claim in First Amendment-retaliation, whistleblower suit against Geauga County Health...

September 20, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Yet a third 2016 RNC protestor to be compensated for City of Cleveland's First Amendment retaliation, malicious prosecution, and false arrest

September 20, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Judge appoints Ohio attorney general as special prosecutor to investigate Huron officials' potential crimes against activists Stacy and Jason Hinners

September 13, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Huron activist Stacy Hinners asks court to dismiss charges based on First Amendment retaliation

September 6, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Federal appeals court allows satirist Anthony Novak to sue Parma police for First Amendment retaliation

July 29, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Another RNC-16 member files First Amendment lawsuit against Cleveland alleging retaliatory arrest and malicious prosecution

July 23, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

AUDIO: federal-appeals-court oral argument on Anthony Novak's First Amendment-retaliation case against Parma and its police for his Facebook parody...

June 20, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cleveland to pay $225K to 2016 RNC protester Gregory Johnson, for retaliation claims

June 11, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Victim sues for access to records of her torture in Cuyahoga County jail

June 10, 2019

White-Collar Criminal Defense

Special prosecutor requested to criminally investigate Huron officials' retaliation against activists Stacy and Jason Hinners

May 30, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Supreme Court makes it harder to prove First Amendment-retaliatory-arrest claims: Nieves v. Bartlett

May 29, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former jail nursing director Gary Brack sues County Executive Budish, MetroHealth CEO Boutros, others for First Amendment retaliation

May 22, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Chandra demands Huron law director dismiss unconstitutional criminal charge against activist Stacy Hinners

May 16, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Huron doubles, triples, and then quadruples down on unconstitutional charge against activist Stacy Hinners

May 16, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Huron mayor orders police seize local activist as she speaks before council about officials’ illegal conduct

May 15, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cleveland settles First Amendment lawsuit alleging politically motivated arrest and prosecution of peaceful protester at 2016 RNC

April 24, 2019

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Garfield Heights settles First Amendment/police-brutality suit over “laughing while black”; commits to police training

December 4, 2018


Cleveland settles airport whistleblower’s First Amendment-retaliation lawsuit

October 10, 2018


Judge rejects Mahoning County prosecutor Paul Gains's effort to avoid civil liability for alleged criminal acts

August 21, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

"All you had to do was shut the f--- up."

July 30, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Federal judge denies Parma’s bid to escape accountability for police retaliation over Facebook parody

April 6, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Disqualify Cleveland's outside law firm over conflict of interest, former firefighter in First Amendment-retaliation suit says

March 21, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former Mahoning County prosecutor reports misconduct; endures retaliation, including defamation

March 21, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former Geauga County Health District worker sues District, Commissioner, Board members, and outside counsel for retaliation

March 7, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cleveland Division of Waste employee sues City, officials for muzzling employees’ speech to media

February 27, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Decorated former Cleveland firefighter challenges city ban on speaking to the media about safety concerns

February 21, 2018

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Man mocks police officers, with satirical Facebook page. They seize his devices; arrest, jail, and prosecute him.

October 10, 2017


Former Mahoning County assistant prosecuting attorney challenges retaliatory termination for whistleblowing

May 4, 2017

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Cleveland Scene sues Downtown Cleveland Alliance for removing 26 distribution boxes from downtown

April 13, 2017

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Federal judge rebuffs Defendants' efforts to dismiss Kent State softball player's Title IX- and First Amendment-retaliation suit

March 15, 2017


Cleveland airport whistleblower files First Amendment retaliation lawsuit, over his safety-violation reports to the FAA

February 23, 2017

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Retired Cleveland Fire Division battalion chief files First Amendment-retaliation suit against City & senior public-safety officials

October 31, 2016

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former Kent State softball player sues University for refusing to produce public records about its cover up of her rape report

August 2, 2016

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Former Kent State softball player sues university and former softball coach for covering up rape by coach's baseball-player son...

February 9, 2016

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Village of Woodmere and Mayor Yolanda Broadie settle First Amendment retaliation case with Chief LaMont Lockhart

April 21, 2009

Civil Rights & Constitutional Law

Chandra Law obtains $2,000,750 jury verdict for former police chief LaMont Lockhart against the Village of Woodmere and Mayor Yolanda Broadie for...

December 15, 2008

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