The page you have requested has not been found. Here are some popular topics to help you find your way.
While most people who've been fired feel wronged, that doesn't mean they've been wrongfully terminated in the eyes of the law, which can be harsh—and defines only a few narrow areas where employees can fight back. Here's how we find cases worth fighti
If you work for a company that does business with the federal government or any of its agencies, and you suspect that your employer, or anyone else, has been engaged in fraudulent activity, federal law offers you protection.
Federal and state investigators devote tens of millions of dollars annually to healthcare-fraud detection, investigation, and prosecution. A conviction can mean years in prison, losing a medical license, and financial ruin.
While most people find that discussing religion is a subject best suited for doing so privately, many people unfortunately still have their religion held against them at the workplace, or by governments.
A "constructive discharge" is an involuntary termination of employment
The Chandra Law Firm LLC has been entrusted with the solemn responsibility of representing grieving families who have lost loved ones. And we've obtained results.