Civil Rights & Constitutional Law
Huron activist Stacy Hinners sues to prevent the city from restarting a...
December 12, 2019
• Practice Areas • Practices • Non-competition Agreements
Non-competition agreements (also called restrictive covenants, covenants not to compete, or non-competes) are contracts that prohibit certain activities or employment after an employee leaves a company. They can impose limitations based on various criteria such as geography (e.g. no competitive activities within a five-mile radius of the employer's place of business) or customers (e.g. no soliciting customers of the employer with whom the former employee had a business relationship while working for the employer).
Because non-competition agreements limit individuals' right to earn a living, courts closely scrutinize these contracts and can modify them as appropriate. Non-competes must be no greater than necessary to protect an employer's legitimate business interests, cannot impose undue hardship on an employee, and cannot be injurious to the public. When a restrictive covenant goes further than necessary to protect an employer's legitimate business interests, Ohio courts can modify the agreement to make it reasonable.
When your livelihood is at stake, it is crucial to act quickly to engage experienced counsel at the earliest opportunity. At The Chandra Law Firm LLC, our attorneys can assist you in defending against unreasonable constraints on your right to make a living. And with our litigation experience in knowing what can go wrong, we can help you draft and enforce non-competition agreements to protect your company's legitimate business interests from unfair competition by former employees.
You can reach our firm, which serves clients throughout Ohio, by calling 216-578-1700 or by filling out our online contact form.