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Wrongful Termination

While most people who've been fired feel wronged, that doesn't mean they've been wrongfully terminated in the eyes of the law, which can be harsh—and defines only a few narrow areas where employees can fight back. Here's how we find cases worth fighti

Crime Victims: Civil Action for Damages for Criminal Acts Under Ohio Revised Code § 2307.60

If you are a crime victim, there’s an Ohio law that may help you seek justice. Ohio Revised Code Section 2307.60 authorizes crime victims to file civil lawsuits against the persons responsible for injuring them. The statute applies broadly.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Hostile Work Environment

Most people who call us to complain about being treated badly at work describe their workplace as a "hostile work environment." Perhaps because they've heard that term bandied about. But the truth is, that term has a very, narrow legal meaning.

Non-competition Agreements

The Chandra Law Firm LLC's lawyers have extensive experience representing individuals and businesses in cases involving non-competition agreements and unfair competition.

Employment Retaliation

Federal and state law protects individuals willing to stand up for themselves and others when they reasonable believe unlawful discrimination or other illegal activity has taken or is taking place.

Healthcare Fraud

Federal and state investigators devote tens of millions of dollars annually to healthcare-fraud detection, investigation, and prosecution. A conviction can mean years in prison, losing a medical license, and financial ruin.

Making the right choice in legal representation can make the difference in whether you achieve a result that protects your legal rights and best interests.

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