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Hostile Work Environment

Most people who call us to complain about being treated badly at work describe their workplace as a "hostile work environment." Perhaps because they've heard that term bandied about. But the truth is, that term has a very, narrow legal meaning.

Family Medical Leave Act

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), eligible employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance.

Class Actions

Lawsuits are expensive. So expensive, in fact, that the cost of litigating a matter can easily exceed the damages a successful plaintiff can expect to recover. That's where class actions come in.

Wrongful Death

The Chandra Law Firm LLC has been entrusted with the solemn responsibility of representing grieving families who have lost loved ones. And we've obtained results.

Internal Investigations

Companies, governments, non-profit organizations, and interested citizens engage The Chandra Law Firm LLC in Cleveland and draw on our experiences to investigate potential misconduct.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is still a serious problem in workplaces across the country. If you are a victim, it can be hard to come forward out of fears of retaliation. But the Chandra Law Firm LLC will have your back in your fight for justice.

Religious Discrimination

While most people find that discussing religion is a subject best suited for doing so privately, many people unfortunately still have their religion held against them at the workplace, or by governments.

Making the right choice in legal representation can make the difference in whether you achieve a result that protects your legal rights and best interests.

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