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Police Misconduct & Brutality

Our firm helped negotiate the largest police-misconduct settlement in Cleveland history: the $6,000,000 settlement for the shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

Economic Espionage & Criminal Theft of Trade Secrets

Since 1996, it has been a federal crime to misappropriate a company's trade secrets with the knowledge or intent that the theft will benefit a foreign power.

LGBT Rights

For years, LGBT people had no legal protection from discrimination in employment, housing, education, and other aspects of American life. Things are starting to change, although they have not changed enough. We stand ready in the fight.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is still a serious problem in workplaces across the country. If you are a victim, it can be hard to come forward out of fears of retaliation. But the Chandra Law Firm LLC will have your back in your fight for justice.

Malicious Prosecution, Abuse of Process, and False Arrest

With our unique combination of experience in criminal cases, civil-rights litigation, and defamation law, we can help you recover damages for malicious prosecution.

Voting Rights

Chandra Law lawyers have been fighting for over a decade to protect Ohioans' voting rights against an onslaught of schemes by government officials to suppress the vote.

Class Actions

Lawsuits are expensive. So expensive, in fact, that the cost of litigating a matter can easily exceed the damages a successful plaintiff can expect to recover. That's where class actions come in.

Making the right choice in legal representation can make the difference in whether you achieve a result that protects your legal rights and best interests.

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